Thursday, December 2, 2010

Art to Life - "Eggs and Toast"

    This film incorporated the painting titled ‘Eggs and Toast’ by Vic Vicini, a painter famous for his artworks of kitchen and household objects, into its storyline. This film tells the story of a girl visiting Washington, D.C. to see her fiancé. However, he breaks up with her over the phone after she arrives in Union Station. She reminisces about their relationship and finally goes to the diner where they used to eat together, sitting alone and sadly staring at her plate of eggs and toast.
    The visual concepts incorporated into the film include types of shot, setting and use of color. In terms of types of shot, a variety of shots were used in the film for specific purposes. In the beginning of the film, a wide shot was used to highlight the location of Union Station. Close-up shots were also used to capture the emotions of those acting in the film. Moreover, when the main character is walking away from the station, a dolly shot was used before the camera stopped following her to highlight the fact that she is walking away into the distance. Secondly, setting was included in the film. The choice of shooting at Union Station was to support the storyline that the main character had just arrived in Washington, DC. Lastly, the use of color was helpful in conveying to the audience that one of the scenes was a flashback by changing that scene to black and white.
    The biggest difficulty faced in the process of creating this project is the editing stage. Because my group consisted of only two people and we both did not have any prior experience with Final Cut Pro, editing was extremely challenging and time-consuming. However, we overcame this difficulty by simply persevering and also studying some of the Final Cut Pro tutorials available online.
    Although being in a two-person group was difficult at times, there were advantages as well. Being involved in every stage of the creation of the film, from pre-production, production to editing, allowed both of us to learn much more about each step needed to create a film. The main lesson of the film however, is to ensure that the camera used would transfer high-quality files into the computer and to perhaps cut some shots that were too lengthy. Moreover, watching the various films in class portrayed how creativity can be channeled in different ways.

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