Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One Flower Vase, 25 Photos

    For this assignment, I took photos of flowers in a vase. Here are my five favorite photos, and a brief explanation of how the visual concepts in each photo highlight a different aspect of the object.
    By taking a close-up shot, this photograph has a definite area of focus. Details of the flowers are visible, such as the curve, pattern and color gradation of the petals. With a close-up shot, the attention of the audience is placed on the flowers and nothing else. Thus, close-up shots are especially effective in keeping the audience’s eye focused on the subject, without distraction in the broader scene.  

    In this photo, contrast in color and texture is used to highlight the differences between the flowers and the background. While the colors of the flowers are bright and fresh, the walls in the background are painted a pale, bland color of light orange. Moreover, there is also a contrast of textures. The multilayered texture of the flowers is juxtaposed with the even surface of the walls. 
Point of view 
    What makes this photo interesting is its unconventional point of view. Because I had to take multiple pictures of one object, I had to be more creative in terms of my angle and point of view. And although most people would focus on the flowers, the vase is surprisingly worth capturing. The element of water and color of green helps this photograph radiate an atmosphere of calmness.   

Composition / point of view
    The placement of objects in this photograph creates a story for the audience. By taking the photograph from a tilted, bird’s eye view, the row of flower petals creates a trail towards the vase, possibly referring to a theme of a journey. This photograph made me think about how composition and point of view can create an entirely different photograph. 

Depth of field / composition / contrast
    By placing the camera flat on the table, I was able to get a large depth of field. And because the petals were not flat and curve off the table instead, the shadows give the photograph a three-dimensional sense. Moreover, the texture and curves of the petals are contrasted with the flat surface of the table. This is my favorite photograph, as the combination of all these visual concepts makes an extremely interesting photo. 
        Essentially, this assignment encouraged me to be more creative in the way I take pictures. I now know that placing the subject in the middle of the frame and on eye-level is not the only way to take a photograph. In fact, this assignment emphasized that taking a photo with unconventional angles and viewpoints is usually what makes a photo interesting and uniquely different.

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